Friday, March 5, 2010

A Day in the Life

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My day starts with a cup of tea... it's part of the early morning ritual that I savor during the quiet moments before the boys begin to stir.

Before the scramble to school begins there are scrambled eggs for breakfast...

Along with cinnamon toast, fruit, and a dose of sunlight.

It's a big laundry day. My nesting project for the day is to clean out and reorganize the bathroom toiletry cabinets and our linen storage. In addition to our regular laundry {pictured} I wash all the towels in the house. Fresh smelling towels are nice.

With the laundry swishing I tidy the house and join Little Brother for building with Legos and some competitive rounds of Hungry Hippos, then we make a quick {and unfruitful} trip to the thrift store and the drugstore.

Home once again, Little Brother requests that we eat lunch in the "tweehouse" {the wooden swing set and fort in the backyard}. We picnic there which is fun until we're finished and I realize that, like a turtle stuck on its back, I can't get down from the fort via the slide or the ladder without a struggle. No more treehouse picnics for me until after Baby Sister arrives!

After some llama drama on his part due to an injury inducing sweet gum ball, some spilled ice cream, and a tumble from his chair, and because of sheer exhaustion on my part, we settle in on the couch to read and rest.

After navigating the school carpool line {and tracking down a misplaced book} we arrive home. The boys run wild in the yard while I fold laundry and completely reorganize the newly renovated master bathroom. My little men bring me a dandelion puff. Sweet boys. And then it is time to cook dinner.

An easy Thai supper commences after the professor walks in the door {and after he and the boys look at classic cars on the computer}. When dinner is over he cleans the kitchen, oversees the bedtime routine, and reads to the boys while I collapse on the couch. What a guy!