Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Lone Leaf

Little Brother and I ventured through the rain for Bible study this morning. It was only after we got there that I realized I probably should have stayed home.

Today I'm feeling somewhat like this lone leaf... content to lie where I fall {the couch!} with the hope that no one will come along and pick me up {or expect me to pick myself up}.

Since we've returned home it's been a quiet afternoon and I've had a chance to consider with thankfulness some of the days blessings...

A kind husband who volunteered to take Big Brother to school despite having to backtrack.
A little buddy who {surprisingly} still naps after lunch affording me time to nap as well.
A cloudy, wet day inspiring rest and quietude.
A thoughtful mother-in-law who offered to pick-up my school boy.
An afternoon cup of tea with fresh lemon.
Sweet baby kicks that remind me of why physical exhaustion can be very precious.