Monday, March 1, 2010

Walking on Daffodil Hill

Warm sunshine, blue skies, birdsong... Spring is in the fresh air today that is sweeping into my house through the open window. It seems appropriate for the first day of March to hold such promise and fresh hope after the cold winter months.

March can be fickle offering tidbits of spring only to snatch them back again with hefty doses of blustery, chilly, gray days... but when March marches in so does the promise of awakening and new life {especially this year!} and warmth. It's an enlivening, hopeful feeling for me.

Recently I've been reflecting on why I blog and I'm finding that after 2.5 years of photographing, and writing, and publishing my reasons for doing so are still very much what they were when I created this place, on a whim, one August afternoon in 2007.

At the time my reasoning was twofold: I wanted a motivation that would drive me... force better learn how to use our camera, and I wanted a platform for noticing, sharing, and remembering the blessings and beauty in my life... the fingerprints of the Father.

I love how my friend Anna describes her blog... "this blog is a good times journal..." I've come to realize that is exactly what this place is for me... a record of some {not all!} of my family's good times, a place for sharing bits of personal growth as well as some adventures in creativity, and, ultimately, a means for noticing the presence of One whose presence should never be ignored.

Certainly this life that I'm living is not one set on a daffodil hill where the sun always shines and the flowers are always in bloom. There are messes, struggles, and hardships, seasons of cold winter dormancy... but through them is the Designer's hand crafting purpose and growth, beauty and pattern.

Whether I know you personally or not... whether you comment frequently, occasionally, or never... thank you for visiting. Your quiet presence so often encourages me, and I truly hope that in some small way you too gain bits of inspiration and encouragement by walking with me on this daffodil hill where the flowers just might be in bloom. They are today!