Monday, April 26, 2010

The Boys' Club

Ever since Little Brother stopped his baby screaming, became mobile, and showed an interest in vehicles these two have shared a heartwarming friendship.

But, it wasn't until the day that she was born that the Boys' Club was born.

Remember the one-week photo? Well, here is what was going on around her... camera angle is everything!

Just a day or two after coming home from the hospital I noted aloud that there seemed to be more silliness between them... a new camaraderie. The professor replied, "It's because now they have a boys' club." He was absolutely right.

Oh, they love her dearly... they're most attentive and very affectionate... but, when it comes to being boys that's what they are {and she is definitely not}, it's what they do best {and she definitely does not}. They've found a deeper friendship in each other, a new camaraderie in simply being boys and being brothers. This warms my heart and makes me smile.

While Baby Sister nurses and sleeps the day away they're busy digging holes, riding bikes, and basking under {and in} the Japanese maple tree at the end of the driveway. {Little Brother has even been wondering if we can make Japanese maple syrup!}

Yes, we've all had some less than glorious moments over the past few weeks but life has continued to roll along happily inspite of them. Cowboys boots regularly clomp down the hall, the kitchen door continues to slam, I find muddy socks everywhere, and two boys enjoy the beautiful spring afternoons while relishing each other's friendship. They have unknowingly created their own Boys' Club because they have become buddies and allies as the four of us adjust to being five. I'm so thankful they have each other.