Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bright Eyes

I hope you're not growing tired of all the baby-love around here. I suppose I'll drift back into my regular postings soon enough but for now she is so scrumptious and I'm so in love that I just can't resist.

So far this is my very favorite photo of her {shot yesterday at five days old}. She is still very much in that sleepy newborn stage but when she's awake and alert I love how her eyes catch the light.

At birth she weighed five pounds and fifteen ounces; when we left the hospital on Monday she was down to five pounds and five ounces... such a tiny bit of a girl. We paid a visit to the hospital today for a routine weight check and were happy to discover that she has gained six ounces over the last few days. All the nursing is paying off.

Because she has nice round cheeks it's hard for me to capture how little she is with the camera... her head is not even the size of a grapefruit and her body is so tiny that she is swimming in her newborn sized clothing. She is just like a sweet little baby doll, only better.

And so we're happily rolling along at a slow pace. The boys have created some very sweet moments along with some rather ridiculous ones {when I capture the right photo "big brotherhood" will have to be a post of its own}. Yes, Baby Sister is fitting in quite nicely, but then who doesn't like sugar and spice?

*bowl by Nambe, the dress is vintage {I love that scalloped eyelet lace}