Saturday, April 24, 2010

Three Weeks Old

Holy Batman growth spurt! Baby Sister, this has been your week to fill out. See how chubby your little face is becoming? Oh, it is so kissable!

This week you weighed in at seven pounds and four ounces... that's a gain of one and a half pounds in a week and a half. I wouldn't be surprised if you follow in the footsteps of your younger older brother who managed to gain five pounds by the time he was six weeks old {and in the process he nearly drained me dry}!

You slurped down your first bottle quite eagerly this week only to bring most of it back up again. Those bottles can flow a little fast for a girl can't they?! We'll try again this week because mom needs to have the bottle feeding option from time to time.

We moved you into your room and into your bed this week. As cute as your middle of the night piglet grunts and squeaks sound, you were keeping mom and dad awake.

This week we've seen you make steps forward... and backward... and forward again with regard to nighttime sleep. You seem to be getting it but you do love to have milk in the wee hours of the morning.

And, last of all, I can't fail to note... you came down with your first cold this week. Not fun, but you've complained very little. No matter how much we keep you in all it takes is an older sibling with a germ. I think you're on the mend now which is good because three weeks of age is way too young to be sneezing and sniffling.