206. My precious cow-licked, serious-faced boys who never cease to delight me.
207. No where to go on a cold day.
208. Baby's long nap after a rough night.
209. Evening's indigo sky.
210. Toast with honey, hot tea, and solitude with a brilliant sunrise.
211. Lists.
212. My children's sweet profiles.
213. "Mommy, will you play china tea set with me?"
214. Warm, soft candlelight on a gray afternoon.
215. Breakfast with Jenn.
216. A happy afternoon of all five of us decorating for Christmas and feeling cozy.
217. Goofy faces in the car with Little Brother.
218. Recent opportunities to spend time with missionaries.
219. Roto-rooter.
220. A call to pray.
221. All five of us well enough for church on Sunday.
222. A partial data recovery after a recent major data loss for the professor.
223. God's protection over Sister during a scary moment.
224. Reading our Christmas books aloud.
All good gifts around us
Are sent from heaven above
So thank the Lord
Oh thank the Lord for all his love
Stephen Schwartz