Friday, November 23, 2007


There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.
Mary Elizabeth Sangster

Did you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving? Our family did; the time spent with loved ones that we don't see often enough was quite festive and grand. But after traveling for two days it is nice to be home. We rolled into the drive this afternoon happy and tired. A tricycle greeted us in the driveway, we tracked fallen oak leaves in through the kitchen as we unloaded the car, and then we all just enjoyed being warm, being comfortable, being at home.

We're tucked in quite snugly now, which is a blessing considering Tukes is trying to beat an ear infection and Boo has a fever. Yes, it will be a quiet weekend for us.

I'm looking forward to sharing some photos and memories from our holiday! Until them, "Welcome home!" everyone, wherever your home may be. Enjoy its comfort and warmth, rest, and be thankful!