Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Big Red Pajama Wagon

Yesterday morning, at dawn, we could hear the boys bumping around in the bedroom next to ours. The professor dryly told me, "Every morning is Christmas morning at Bunny's house." So it is, and so it should be!

The boys love to visit my parents, Bunny and Pop, where they encounter fun, attention, laughter, treats, different toys and a plethora of books. They always have a grand time when we are here.

One of their more recent delights at Bunny's is reading Pop's favorite childhood book, The Big Red Pajama Wagon! Pete and Cookie are excited. They are moving to a new home in a new town. Daddy has borrowed a big truck and trailer to move their belongings and they get to ride with him while Mother stays behind to clean the old house. What an adventure they have as they ride along in the big red truck to their new home in Portersville.

Boo and Tukes agree such an opportunity would be quite thrilling. Today they are most excited about driving home in our rental car! It's not quite a big, red pajama wagon, but Boo tells me that it's a Ford Batman Car. Close enough!

The Big Red Pajama Wagon
written by Mary Elting
illustrated by Betty Anderson
published in 1950