Thursday, May 15, 2008

End of school ramblings

I went to Kroger four times last week -- four trips in six days to be exact. Not wanting to do a repeat performance this week I have been forced to stare my cake woes in the eye and face them head-on.

On Tuesday I received a last minute cupcake request from Boo's teacher. "Could you bring those little cupcakes that you make for our end of the year party?" "Sure," I agreed, I do own the mini-cheesecake pan after all.

I had already completed my big grocery shopping for the week (yes, even after four Kroger visits last week I still had big shopping to do this week) and I did not have a single cake mix in the house, so I sat down with the Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook and plotted my way. A few hours later I had cupcakes made from scratch and homemade (blue) butter frosting!

I call them Sunny Summer, Blue Sky cupcakes. Of course, in my quest to make cute cupcakes without spending money on (or making a special trip to Kroger for) decorations, I ended up garnishing them with yard weeds. Oh well.

And, what do you think of these silverplated salad servers? They're a gift for Boo's teacher. I love them. In fact, I love them so much I kind of wish that I wasn't giving them away. The best part, they only cost four dollars at the antique booth!

So, today is the last day of school. Summer break officially starts tomorrow. How nice! We'll be living quietly this summer -- playing with friends, reading, perhaps some tennis, a bit of swimming, the professor will be teaching. Boo and I will be doing some schooling here at home, just to stay on top of things. Overall, it's nice to see things winding down. I won't miss the daily runs through the carpool line and Tukes will love having his brother around full time.