I don't remember saying hello or even good morning; my salutation was simply, "Is there news?" There was.
God has been pleased to bless my life with a handful of very dear friends. B, who called yesterday morning, and I don't remember meeting, we've always simply been in each other's lives. We went from preschool through college together, got married within months of each other, and, by God's grace, have maintained a dear sisterhood that seems to transcend time, location, and circumstances.
B and her husband G have been waiting, patiently and joyfully, for an international adoption referral. She called yesterday morning to tell me that they had received their referral just the night before.
She glowed with new-mama pride as she told me all about their precious, beautiful, new daughter (and, oh she is gorgeous, I've seen photos!). As she told me everything about Baby Girl, from her two little teeth to her petite little frame, God's evidence in the details astounded me. Baby Girl's birthday is January 7, 2007, which happens to be the Sunday that was designated as 2007's "Sanctity of Life Sunday" and was also the very day that our friends looked at each other and knew with certainty that adoption should be their pursuit! As I continued to jog around the neighborhood I cried tears of joy, completely overwhelmed by God's goodness.
B and G have journeyed a long road to arrive at this point. While their desire has always been to fill their home with children actually becoming parents has been difficult. On their journey they have encountered an extended health problem, major surgery, and more waiting than either of them imagined. Yet, they have persevered with grace and joy.
A bend in the road awaits them. Lord-willing, next week they will travel to Peru to be united with the precious baby girl that God has chosen to be their daughter. I marvel at God's presence in our lives as He builds families according to His plan -- from one dear friend's miraculous emergency delivery, to another treasured friend's long desired pregnancy, to this friend's amazing adoption journey, all are beautiful and unique, perfectly designed and created by the Master designer.
I know that if B were writing this she would tell us that her cup of blessing overflows. It does. So does mine. As I ponder how those who are in Christ are heirs of God's kingdom through adoption the final verses of Psalm 23 echo through my heart and ring true, ...my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
The photo: Gardenias and apples in the kitchen at dusk. Two of my favorites, a gardenia's sweet, heady fragrance and Pink Lady apples.