Friday, November 21, 2008

Pilgrim Hat Days

This morning I cooked and delivered enough scalloped and buttered corn to feed 45 people for the Thanksgiving Feast at Boo's school that immediately followed a sweet little program of thanks.

Immediately after the morning's events my nephew, age two, arrived. He is staying with us for the weekend.

As I was getting Nephew settled, my little Indian {while still in costume} decided to give himself a haircut scalp himself. How is it that we've managed to avoid this foray into mischief until now?

Things are a little "cwazy" around here! At least I haven't seen anyone eating dry cereal off of the floor with a spoon... yet.

The kitchen sink is backed up, outside it is windy and cold... this will be a good weekend for making Pilgrim Hat cookies like these that my friend Amy made for today's feast. Yes indeed, these are good Pilgrim Hat making days. Perhaps we'll avoid playing Tiddlywinks with Ritz crackers this time around.

I'm sure that I have now managed to convince my mom that we're barely making it. Bunny, all is well!

Have a great weekend, everyone. Here's wishing yours won't be as crazy as mine!