Monday, March 31, 2008

A coffee table story

The professor has informed me that our living room has too many rectangles in it. I suppose that means that I should tell you about our (rectangular) coffee table before he starts shuffling things around on me. Have I mentioned that I'm often resistant to change?!

When the professor was in graduate school his academic department was throwing away some great classic modern furniture. (I've written about how universities usually have detailed specifications in place for how to dispose of old furniture through the surplus property department. In this case, that process was not being followed -- it seems the dumpster in back of the building was more efficient!) One of the items being tossed was a padded aluminum and steel bench. The professor asked the head of his department if he could have it and she told him to take it.

The problem, the cushions on the bench were in terrible condition. The foam was deteriorating and the upholstery was filthy and stained, however, the steel and aluminum frame looked great. The professor removed the cushions and put them in his car intending to get a quote for having new ones made but his car was stolen and not recovered. He was left with a useless metal bench frame and no template or pattern for making new cushions. Refusing to give up hope he stored the frame.

As we were preparing to get married we realized that we would need a coffee table for our first home. The professor dragged out the metal bench frame and had a piece of glass cut to fit it. We've used it as a coffee table in our living room ever since.

Things may be changing soon, which is probably just as well considering that in the past Boo has fallen off the sofa and cracked the glass with his head, and, just a few days ago we found Tukes on top of the glass on all fours peering down to the floor underneath. The professor has an idea (he always has an idea!) for modifying a round table that is stored in the attic so that we'll have a "new" coffee table. When that happens I'm sure this one will go back into storage; he still hasn't given up the hope that one day we'll have new cushions for it.

Hannah Morrison Bench, 1973
Constructed of cast aluminum and steel.
Designed by Bruce Hannah and Andrew Morrison.
Manufactured by Knoll International, New York.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

God, Our Deliverer

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me, to bring good news to the afflicted. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners. Isaiah 61:1

Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Bowl of Sunshine

The other day I saw a lady on the side of the road plucking dandelion blooms. She had a huge bowl filled with yellow sunshine.

And, I thought about how fun it would be to have my own bowl filled with cheery brightness.

So we went out, picked some dandelions, and then I had a little bowl
of sunshine!

Friday, March 28, 2008

The art museum

Our local university possesses a fine collection of art, but it wasn't until five years ago that there was actually a museum building to house it.

For years the collection was scattered about in various campus buildings, some even farmed off to government buildings in various cities around the state.

What a privilege it is now to have this beautiful building -- a permanent home for the university's collection. It is such a calm and peaceful place full of sunlight, cool air, and serenity.

With gallery space for the permanent collection as well as room for visiting collections, our little town is certainly fortunate to have received this gift of culture and beauty.

The museum also houses a deliciously sleek and modern cafe along with a beautiful auditorium to accommodate guest lecturers and visiting scholars.

I sometimes dream about attending a party here all dressed up and eating fancy hors d’oeuvres while listening to jazz and enjoying art!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


...rather impatiently for my yellow orchid to bloom.

I have four orchids that I lovingly tend, but it has been a year-and-a-half since one of them has bloomed. This one is taking it's time but it won't be long now!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I smiled...

...when I spotted this in Boo's room.

...when I overheard him singing: "I'm gonna drive him to follow Jesus..."

...when he told me that his skinned knee was "aping."

...when he asked if it will hurt when God "peels off" our skin to give us new bodies.

...when he dreamed that he swallowed a tree and woke me in the night concerned because it was inside of him.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Modern lighting

In my dad's office. A classic modern lamp that has been continuously and internationally sought after since 1926.

Created by Danish designer Poul Henningsen in 1926.
Produced by Louis Poulsen & Co., Copenhagen.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The little things

I expect that I'll be in the minority when I tell you that I prefer a pedestal sink in my bathroom to a long stretch of counter space. Yes, the counter is quite nice for spreading out, but, oh dear, mine is such a convenient spot for accumulating all manner of dust and clutter. Horizontal surfaces are nice but they are hard to keep tidy and under control!

And so has been the problem in our master bathroom -- such a jumble of toiletries, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and tub toys. Very unsightly! I tried organizing everything in a nice natural basket but, alas, it did not work; nothing seemed to find it's way back into the basket!

Then I spotted this idea on Apartment Therapy a while back and I thought, "If I could have a nice tray with pretty containers and bottles neatly arranged on it I would be eager to banish bathroom counter clutter every day!" So I went digging in the depths of my cabinets -- free and repurposed is definitely better than new with a price tag! From my forgotten stash of assorted knick-knacks came a basic square, stoneware tray, two pretty china dishes, and a plain, old jelly jar.

The bathroom counter was wiped clean, nearly empty bottles were tossed, and new (concealed) homes were found for necessary but unsightly items. Now my uncluttered bathroom counter is home to this delightful ensemble -- all the little things neatly arranged, quite charmingly I believe.

Now, if could just find a vintage glass Listerine bottle with a cork for the mouthwash...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter thoughts

Just as we have borne the image of the earthly,
we will also bear the image of the heavenly.

I Corinthians 15:49

This is a wonderful day. The more we think of it, the more wonderful it is. But somehow I keep going back to what led up to this day of joy. The true triumph of love was not on Easter morning; it was won on the cross when the Lord said, It is finished.

The choir sang 'The suffering night is over' to me. Ever since, the lines

Forgive me, Lord, if I
My small griefs magnify

have been in my heart. I do pray that I may not magnify my small griefs. Don't magnify yours. They will be so soon over, it is not worth while. Also if we do so, they lose their power to perfect us. When we accept them as His good, lovable and perfect will, then, I believe they work together to make us more usable to our beloved Lord. And isn't that all that matters?

Bodies are curious things. My favourite word came in my reading today. 'As we have borne... we shall also bear'
(I Corinthians 15.49). We certainly have borne the image of the earthly; there isn't any doubt about that. And as certain as that is, so certain is the wonderful truth whose meaning we cannot fully understand: we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

That's something to look forward to!

"Easter Day" from Candles in the dark
Letters written by Amy Carmichael

I'll see y'all on Monday. May each of you experience joy complete as you praise and worship the One who has conquered sin and death on behalf of sinners, such as I.

Friday, March 21, 2008

My comfort

What is your only comfort, in life and in death?

That I belong -- body and soul, in life and in death -- not to myself but to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ, who, at the cost of His own blood, has fully paid for all my sins and has completely freed me from the dominion of the devil; that He protects me so well that without the will of my Father in heaven not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, that everything must fit His purpose for my salvation. Therefore, by His Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for Him.

The Heidelberg Catechism, Question One

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The nursery

I want to remember, because he won't always be a baby.

He won't always show me the ducks...

...or laugh at his penny bank.

He'll outgrow the beloved summer sun hat...

... and the colorful little board books.

For now I savor my baby in the sunny nursery...

...knowing that all too soon I'll delight in a little boy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Vintage radio

1946 RCA Victor, Model 56x10
Bakelite Tube Radio
Manufactured by RCA Victor Co., Inc.
New York

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thank you and details

The care and concern that so many of you have expressed over our recent car accident truly makes me smile. Thank you so much for caring and for expressing it. You are a great encouragement to me.

We are doing well! My head and neck are still painful, but improving. The professor and the boys are pain free. We traveled home today from my parents' after a nice visit. I think the boys enjoyed riding in the Ford Batman Car.

Initial damage assessments by our insurance adjuster indicated that our car is most likely repairable. However, the body shop called today after their first observations and the damage to the frame is far worse than we anticipated. The likelihood of the car being totaled seems to be rising. We'll wait for a quote from the body shop and the final word from our insurance company, and in the meantime settle into being a one-car family for the time being -- something that I think is going to be rather fun!

The Big Red Pajama Wagon

Yesterday morning, at dawn, we could hear the boys bumping around in the bedroom next to ours. The professor dryly told me, "Every morning is Christmas morning at Bunny's house." So it is, and so it should be!

The boys love to visit my parents, Bunny and Pop, where they encounter fun, attention, laughter, treats, different toys and a plethora of books. They always have a grand time when we are here.

One of their more recent delights at Bunny's is reading Pop's favorite childhood book, The Big Red Pajama Wagon! Pete and Cookie are excited. They are moving to a new home in a new town. Daddy has borrowed a big truck and trailer to move their belongings and they get to ride with him while Mother stays behind to clean the old house. What an adventure they have as they ride along in the big red truck to their new home in Portersville.

Boo and Tukes agree such an opportunity would be quite thrilling. Today they are most excited about driving home in our rental car! It's not quite a big, red pajama wagon, but Boo tells me that it's a Ford Batman Car. Close enough!

The Big Red Pajama Wagon
written by Mary Elting
illustrated by Betty Anderson
published in 1950

Monday, March 17, 2008


I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:2, 4

I had thought that perhaps today we would talk about the vintage radio in our bookcase, or maybe would I share some recent around-the-house photos, or I'd tell you of the delight I found in dandelions a few days ago. Instead I will share with you all that today our family is praising and thanking God for His tender protection.

It is spring break. Boo is out of school, the professor does not have classes to teach. We decided to take a few days off, to visit my parents; we headed out on the two hour drive to their home yesterday after church and lunch. About thirty minutes away from their house, while stopped at a traffic light, we were hit, hard. A side, rear impact. An impact so hard we were pushed into the intersection and I truly thought we had encountered an explosion.

How thankful we are for our safety. Everyone involved in the accident walked away from it. The boys were quite excited to watch all of the emergency vehicles. I'm sporting a painful bump at the base of my skull and our car is rather crunched up -- a broken rear axle, bent frame, and jammed doors -- but we are together, safe, whole.

Today will be full of phone calls -- insurance agents, police reports, towing companies, body shops. We wonder, will the car be totaled? We're not sure, but it doesn't matter. A car is a small price to pay. And so, we will continue to thank the One who has been and is our refuge and our strength, who shelters us under the shadow of His wings.

Photo credits go to my dad who came to retrieve us.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


The crowds going ahead of Him,
and those who followed, were shouting,
"Hosanna to the Son of David;
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest!"

When He had entered Jerusalem,
all the city was stirred, saying, "Who is this?
And the crowds were saying,
"This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth in Galilee."
Matthew 21:9-11

"Hosanna is a Hebrew word that means, 'Oh save!' The Jewish people used this word to praise Jesus when He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. As they waved palm branches and spread their coats on the road they shouted, 'Hosanna!'"
Steve Green, "Hide 'Em In Your Heart"

The Hebrew people of that day were seeking a political savior. We have been delivered from far more. By God's grace and through His mercy we can use this word, "Hosanna!" as an expression of praise and worship to our Savior who has delivered us from the eternal curse of our sinful hearts! Hosanna, He has saved!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Supper, thrown together

This meal was a hit earlier this week. It's funny how recipes created by spontaneous invention end up being family favorites. I'll be serving it again in the future -- it's easy and tasty.

Caribbean Jerk Spiced Chicken
Rice with Black Beans

Steamed Green Beans

Fresh Bread

Caribbean Jerk Spiced Chicken
Preheat your oven to 400. Rinse 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts and place in an oiled iron skillet. Sprinkle and rub both sides with Caribbean Jerk seasoning (I used McCormick). Drizzle with olive oil then divide 2 tablespoons of butter into small pats, placing 2-3 pats on each chicken piece. Bake at 400 for 25 minutes, flip chicken, reduce heat to 350 and bake 15 minutes more. Let it stand for about 10 minutes before serving.

Rice with Black Beans
Bring 2 cups of chicken broth to a boil. Stir in 1 cup of white or brown rice and 1 cup (or more or less) of black beans. I usually keep a whole bag of dry black beans cooked and frozen, then I just scoop out the amount that I need for recipes. When the rice has finished cooking stir in a little drizzle of olive oil and some Adobo seasoned salt by Goya.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Present Salvation

Creator and Redeemer God,
Author of all existence, source of all blessedness,
I adore thee
for making me capable of knowing thee,
for giving me reason and conscience,
for leading me to desire thee;

I praise thee
for the revelation of thyself in the gospel,
for thy heart as a dwelling place of pity,
for thy patience and thy graciousness,
for the vastness of thy mercy.

Thou hast moved my conscience to know how
the guilty can be pardoned,
the unholy sanctified,
the poor enriched.

May I be always amongst those
who not only hear but know thee,
who walk with and rejoice in thee,
who take thee at thy word and find life there.

Keep me always longing
for a present salvation in Holy Spirit comforts and rejoicings,
for spiritual graces and blessings,
for help to value my duties as well as my privileges.

May I cherish simplicity and godly sincerity of character.

Help me to be in reality before thee
as in appearance I am before men,
to be religious before I profess religion,
to leave the world before I enter the church,
to set my affections on things above,
to shun forbidden follies and vanities,
to be a dispenser as well as a partaker of grace,
to be prepared to bear evil as well as to do good.

O God, make me worthy of this calling,
that the name of Jesus may be glorified in me and I in him.

"A Present Salvation" from The Valley of Vision

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cupcakes, again

It seems I've been designated the "Cupcake Mom" for Boo's little class. I assure that it's not because I bake delicious cupcakes (confession: I most often use a mix) or because they look cute (despite my resistance to spend extra money on decorations). It's because I own the mini-cheesecake pan. The mother of every five year old in the class agrees that it makes the perfect sized cupcakes, not too big and not too small, for our sugar loving kids.

And so today we have Spring cupcakes to compliment the Spring party going on at school. Chocolate cake topped with vanilla icing and embellished with colorful jelly beans (that I already had on hand). What could be simpler and easier?

I wish I were brave enough to deliver and serve them on these colorful china saucers, but remember it's five year olds, mainly boys. Perhaps one day I'll have a little girl or a niece and together we'll sip milk from teacups while eating cupcakes off of pretty saucers! Until then, will you join me?

Christmas Tree Cupcakes

Valentine's Day Cupcakes